
Non Surgical Rhinoplasty: A Gentler Treatment To Reshape Your Nose


Non Surgical Rhinoplasty: A Gentler Treatment To Reshape Your Nose

Rhinoplasty has been a highly sought-after treatment for decades. Glamorised by celebrities across the world, this surgery involving the removal of bone and cartilage has swelled in popularity. We understand the appeal of smoothing out unseemly bumps, curves and hooks, but instead of going under the knife and enduring a long recovery process, we advocate a gentler, equally effective treatment – non surgical rhinoplasty.


Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Vs. The Traditional Nose Job

We use a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler to accomplish the same results that you would achieve by going into the operating theatre. A non surgical rhinoplasty is not nearly as invasive or intimidating and this very procedure can be done in our clinic for a fraction of the price of a surgical nose job. Incredibly, you can go straight back to your normal activities straight after this treatment, which takes around 30 minutes to complete. As there’s no downtime required, leaving you to enjoy the results immediately.

A non surgical rhinoplasty is also an excellent option for patients nervous about the idea of a permanent alteration. By using a dermal filler instead of a knife, results last for approximately 9-12 months, with the option to have repeat treatments and adjustments along the way. A drastic permanent nose job is definitely not for everybody, which is why we recommend the non surgical rhinoplasty.


Reshaping Your Nose With A Dermal Filler

A non surgical rhinoplasty relies on a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler in order to reshape the nose contours. Hyaluronic acid is a group of sugars that occurs naturally in the skin and the joints, but it sadly deteriorates over time. This acid is incredibly successful when it comes to hydrating the skin as it binds to an astonishing number of water molecules. Dermal fillers use this incredible trick to add moisture and volume to depressed areas such as the under eye or in order to enhance the lips, minimising the appearance of wrinkles in the process.

The practitioner injects this substance into certain areas of the nose, altering the contours and changing interplay of shadows which give the nose its overall appearance. Non surgical rhinoplasty disguises unwanted bumps, curves or hooks and can adjust the appearance of the nose’s size and shape to suit the proportions of your face, suggesting the same outcome as surgery without making permanent changes.


Why You Should Consider North West Aesthetics

North West Aesthetics fills a gap in the market for high quality but reasonably priced aesthetics treatments, including our non surgical rhinoplasty at approximately £199 per treatment. You can have complete confidence in our extensively trained staff, headed by our founder, the internationally recognised teacher of Advanced Facial Aesthetics, Dr. David Taylor.

When you book an appointment with us, you will have a thorough consultation prior to treatment to enable your practitioner to craft an effective, bespoke treatment plan. No matter your concerns, we will take care of you from the moment you walk through our doors.


Contact Us

Get in touch by phone or by email to discuss possible treatment or to have your questions answered by a member of our team. Alternatively, if you’re raring to go, book a consultation with one of our expert practitioners.

Explore non surgical rhinoplasty in more depth on our website and feel free to browse our other aesthetics treatments. To keep up to date with news, photos and testimonials from happy clients, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.