
Effective Laser Hair Removal for Lasting Body Confidence this Summer


Effective Laser Hair Removal for Lasting Body Confidence this Summer

As we approach the end of Spring, there is no better time than now to take the steps to ensure you can look and feel your best this Summer! While a sensitive issue for many people in general, the effect of unwanted or excess body hair on self-confidence can be more significant in the warmer months, where we are encouraged to let our skin breathe, wearing lighter, shorter – and generally less – clothing as we experience higher temperatures. This sensitivity – heightened by the warmer months – resultantly causes many people to spend considerable time, effort and money on short-term options for the temporary alteration or removal of their body hair to feel more comfortable or accepted.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way – the North West Aesthetics clinic team in Wigan are pleased to offer laser hair removal – a safe, effective and lasting alternative to traditional methods like shaving, waxing or bleaching facial or body hair, for both men and women.

Laser Hair Removal with North West Aesthetics

Our Wigan clinic experts are proud to offer powerful Lynton laser technology to ensure lasting hair removal across the face and body – permanently destroying hair follicles at their root, and preventing regrowth through intense yet gentle bursts of heat energy, for smooth, hair-free skin that lasts. Your treatment time will be determined by the size of the area facing treatment – with the face requiring less treatment time than the body. Following 15 minutes allowed for your pre-procedures consultation, in as little as 30 minutes you can enjoy a swift and effective laser procedure, with minimal discomfort and no downtime required.

The number of laser sessions required to see your desired removal results will depend on the area being treated, and can vary from person to person – however, the best results tend to be found with two to eight treatments, spaced between four and six weeks apart to allow for hair regrowth during the laser process.

Individual suitability is of paramount importance to us – and while laser hair removal tends to be appropriate for most client preferences and requirements, we value the provision of comprehensive consultations, where we can work with you to unpack your concerns, and formulate a treatment approach that is both realistic and unique to you, and the results you are seeking. With our laser treatments, a free patch test is required at least 48 hours before any treatment is undertaken to ensure the system is suitable for you.

Your Next Steps with North West Aesthetics

Here at North West Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on our exclusive selection of effective and clinically-backed treatment systems to boost your confidence as we enhance your natural appearance, following the development of a highly personalised treatment plan that is unique to you.

North West Aesthetics
For more information about laser hair removal, the other non-surgical procedures we provide here at the clinic, the physical concerns we treat, or to book your free consultation, get in touch with us here at North West Aesthetics on 01942 909 003 – or email us at: